Thursday, August 5, 2010

Myths, Legends, Fables And Folktales


In this story, a lion was sleeping peacefully when something crawled up his back. It was a mouse. As fast as lightning, the lion quickly grabbed the mouse. The lion did not believe that the mouse could actually save him one day. When suddenly, after the mouse left, a group of hunters captured him and tied him to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard his roar and he quickly bit the rope till it broke, and the rope snapped. The lion therefore learnt a lesson to believe that a small animal could save a lion. I like this story because the moral of the story is that little friends proves to be great friends. No matter how big or small you are, the act of kindness is what matters most.


In this story, unicorns were frightened of people and therefore lived in the woods alone. One day, a little girl named Elaine, was exploring the woods when she saw a unicorn. They became best friends immediately. Elaine even named the unicorn, Moiraine. They played every single day until Elaine was 16 years old. Suddenly for four years, Elaine did not come to play with Moiraine anymore. One day, Moiraine went out for a walk in the woods, and saw Elaine with a young handsome man. Elaine explained that she was married now and had no time for childish games. Moiraine was so heartbroken that she ran very far away. I like this story because it shows that even animals can be heartbroken when one does not come to visit anymore.

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