Thursday, September 23, 2010

About A Picture

This is in a department store, Gap. There are guitars, microphones and tables. There are many people in the shopping mall. They are queueing up to get a glimpse on the performers and to get an autograph from them. It would probably be in the afternoon at 2pm. I think that the performers are performing in shopping mall for an event, to promote T-shirts in Gap. There is a girl singing and playing the guitar, she is wearing a sky blue dress and is looking at her other guitarist. There is a boy who is playing the electric guitar. He is wearing a black T-shirt, jeans and a black, green and white hat. He looks engrossed in what he is playing. They are wearing these clothes and playing the guitar because they are performing for the audience and their fans. The scene is in a department store because they are promoting a Gap T-shirt. This picture can be linked to what is happening around me now, such as concerts or an autograph signing session.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Somebody Has To Say It

$9.5m to rejuvenate Yishun landscape

$9.5m to rejuvenate Yishun lanscape. That is a lot of money. I am living in Yishun, and in my opinion, I think the government is turning Yishun to a more popular place. It is a joint effort involving government agencies and Khoo Teck Puat Hospital to remake the heartland into a vibrant place for residents to live in. The Yishun Pond is set to undergo a facelift to become part of a waterfront park for the area's residents and the nearby Khoo Teck Puat Hospital's patients. It will be covered in trees, shrubs and flowering plants. There will also be footpath for residents to go jogging or walking around the area. I think that this is eco-friendly and it helps the envirionment not only for us but we can also enjoy the scenery of the pond. We can also have activities near it and enjoy community or family bonding. These are new things which people have not seen before, therefore, I think that people would be talking more about it, and Yishun will be more known to more people. I would be excited and would be waiting until the transformation is complete by the end of 2011.

(197 Words)