Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Food And Culture

1. Sambal Stingray

It is a Chinese dish. Sambal is a versatile chili paste blended with spices, shallots, candlenuts and often belachan (fermented shrimp paste). The sambal-coated cuts of stingray are wrapped in cleaned banana leaves and is grilled to smoky perfection. It tastes spicy and has a wonderful Smoky BBQ Flavour to it. I like it because it is tasty especially it's smoky flavour and the juice of the stingray just melts in your mouth.

2. Roti Prata

It is an Indian dish. Roti Prata is a flat piece of bread which when the Indians knead, flatten and flip it until the dough is a tissue-thin sheet. It is then folded into multi-layered pancakes and griddle-fried til crisp. It is usually served with curry or sugar if you cannot take spicy. It tastes spicy if you pour curry over it. Nowadays, more ingredients can be added to the prata such as cheese, chocolate, strawberry, mushroom, egg, etc;

1 comment:

  1. From 1 - - This is a long sentence. You need a punctuation somewhere.
    "I like it because it is tasty(;) especially it's smoky flavour and the juice of the stingray just melts in your mouth."

    From 2 - corrections in the brackets.
    Roti Prata is a flat piece of bread (made from flour)(,) which the Indians knead, flatten and flip until the dough is a tissue-thin sheet.

    It is usually served with curry or sugar if you cannot take (it) spicy.

    You failed to explain why you like Roti Prata. Is it because of the modern-styled additional ingredients such as cheese, chocolate, strawberry, etc. that draws you to it?
